In detail…


When you are the victim of fraud and forgery you can call Private Investigation Inc. of WI to advocate on your behalf. As a premier fraud & forgery investigator service in Milwaukee, WI, we provide services that help people defend themselves against the embarrassing and fearful tactics of fraud and forgery criminals.

A fraud & forgery investigator from Private Investigation Inc. of WI has one main objective, and that’s serving your need for justice. Private Investigation Inc. of WI hires fraud & forgery investigators from a variety of backgrounds, but they all share our desire to serve the needs of justice.

Fraud and forgery are crimes that affect you deeply, because they make you feel that your identity has been violated, and at Private Investigation Inc. of WI, we fully comprehend the terrible psychological consequences that fraud and forgery have. That’s why the fraud & forgery investigator we assign to your case will never make assumptions, but search tirelessly for substantial evidence in order to bring you justice.

General Fraud Investigation

When most people think of fraud they think it will never happen to them.